Therapy Dog Grads

May 23, 2023

On May 23rd, an enthusiastic group of dogs gathered at the Dunkirk Volunteer Fire Department for a therapy dog training prep class, igniting a sense of purpose and dedication within each participant. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation as aspiring handlers and their canine companions embarked on a journey of learning and growth. Under the guidance of experienced trainers, they delved into the fundamentals of therapy dog work, from obedience training to mastering gentle interactions. Through interactive exercises and simulated scenarios, both handlers and dogs developed the necessary skills and understanding to provide comfort and support to those in need. The dedication and commitment displayed by everyone in the class illuminated the potential for these remarkable dogs to make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals seeking solace. With hearts and paws united, the Dunkirk Volunteer Fire Department’s therapy dog training prep class set forth on a path of compassion and service, ready to make a positive difference in their community.