Calvert County Public School Mental Health Fair

Dog laying down with bat wings.

October 10, 2023

Wag Workshop’s recent participation in the Calvert County Public School Mental Health Fair, on October 10th, was a heartwarming display of their commitment to the well-being of our community’s youth. The event, which took place on a sunny Tuesday morning, featured various local organizations and initiatives aimed at promoting mental health awareness and support among students. Wag Workshop, known for their innovative approach to dog training, brought a unique touch to the fair by introducing therapy dogs to the mix.

At their booth, the Wag Workshop team showcased how therapy dogs can have a profoundly positive impact on mental health. These gentle and well-trained dogs interacted with students, providing comfort and support to those who needed it. The presence of the dogs was met with smiles and relief, as students and parents alike appreciated the soothing and non-judgmental companionship the dogs offered. Wag Workshop’s participation in the Calvert County Public School Mental Health Fair was a testament to the power of unconventional yet highly effective methods in promoting mental well-being in our schools, reminding us all that sometimes a wagging tail and a friendly face can be just what the heart and mind need.

Table booth stand for Mental Health Fair.
Person standing with dog on leash
Person posing with a goat on their side.